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Insurance Blog

Three Ways That Home Insurance Protects You

Owning a home is a big investment, and every homeowner needs to protect their investment. You should never go without home insurance to protect yourself and your home. If you’re buying a home or looking to switch home insurance, call us at Great Lakes State Agency in Lansing, MI, to get started. 

Damage Repair

If your home is damaged by a damaging event, the house can have extremely expensive damage. Home repairs after a covered event can be incredibly high. It could be too costly for uninsured homeowners to pay for. However, the policy can pay for repairing these damages with home insurance. This protects you against great financial harm if something causes destruction to your home. 

Protection for Your Possessions

It’s essential to have your possessions protected as well as your dwelling. Losing your possessions could be extremely expensive. If you had to replace it all, it would probably be impossible for you to do so. The cost of replacing everything could be so high that your quality of life would go way down. To ensure your items can be replaced, ensure you have home insurance at all times while you own your home. 

Liability Coverage

When someone comes to your home and has an accident, you’re liable for all the expenses. It’s important to keep home insurance so the policy can pay these expenses, including medical bills. This can save you from huge expenses for medical and legal bills as well as lost wages. 

Get Home Insurance Now

You need this vital coverage, so don’t wait. Call Great Lakes State Agency in Lansing, MI.

Great Lakes State Agency’s Tips for Choosing the Right Auto Insurance in Lansing

Buying auto insurance is a necessity when you live in Lansing, MI. As long as you have a vehicle, it would be best if you had a policy. While you will need to get at least the bare minimum that the state of Michigan requires, there are many things to explore. At Great Lakes State Agency, we have a few tips to help you along the way.

Consider All Coverage Options

In the state of Michigan, you’re required to have liability coverage in the areas of bodily injury and property damage. However, that’s not the only form of coverage you can have on your policy.

You can expand your coverage to include:

  • Collision
  • Comprehensive
  • Uninsured/under-insured motorist
  • Roadside assistance
  • Rental car

This way, if there’s any damage to your vehicle, whether driving or not, you can file a claim and know that you have the coverage in place.

Explore Increasing Your Coverage Level

The coverage level isn’t set in stone. While you have to meet the bare minimums the state sets, you can increase your coverage, too. This allows you to choose a level that meets your needs.

By increasing the coverage level, you’re covered in the event of a more serious accident. It will also reduce your costs if the accident exceeds certain limits.

Examine Deductibles

You pay the deductible out of your pocket when you file a claim. The deductible amount can vary based on the type of claim you’re making.

You can have a low deductible with a slightly higher premium cost or vice versa. That’s why you have to consider the likelihood of filing a claim against what you can afford.

Get Help from a Knowledgeable Insurance Agent

Finding an auto insurance policy right for you in Lansing, MI, is a breeze when you work with an experienced insurance agent. At Great Lakes State Agency, we’re here to help. Give us a call today to start getting some guidance.

Four steps you need to go through when you buy commercial insurance

Protect your business in Lansing, MI, with insurance coverage from the Great Lakes State Agency. When buying commercial insurance coverage, it’s important to follow all the necessary steps.

The following are four steps you must go through when buying commercial insurance. 

Focus on legal requirements.

Remember that you may be required by law to carry certain types of commercial insurance.

Workers’ compensation is the most important legally required type of commercial insurance to consider. In Michigan, most employers are required to carry workers’ compensation coverage. 

Customize your coverage to the needs of your company

Every company is unique. You need to conduct a risk assessment and consider the unique insurance needs of your company to choose a policy that offers all the coverage you need and saves you from paying for coverage that your company really doesn’t require. 

Get quotes from multiple insurers.

Shop around so that you familiarize yourself with the market for commercial insurance. You can easily get quotes from different insurance providers.

Compare the quotes you get. You should choose the commercial insurance policy that offers you a competitive rate while also providing your company with the coverage it needs for financial protection. 

Review coverage details periodically as time goes on

Your company is going to change through the years. As your company grows and develops, you might find that you need additional types of coverage. This makes it essential for business owners to review their commercial insurance policy once in a while and make any necessary changes. 

Call us now at Great Lakes State Agency for a quote on an insurance policy for your business in Lansing, MI. 

Lansing Homeowners: How to Choose the Right Home Insurance Policy

At Great Lakes State Agency, our mission is to streamline life for Lansing, MI homeowners. Peace of mind is invaluable, and having the right home insurance policy is crucial in achieving it. We’re here to assist you in making the most suitable choice. Here are some vital steps to help you navigate the process.

Understanding Your Specific Needs

The first step for homeowners is to consider their specific needs when selecting a policy. If a policy falls short of its current requirements, it could lead to significant problems in the future. As a starting point, homeowners should estimate the costs related to rebuilding their homes and replacing all valuable possessions.

Considering Natural Disasters

Every region in Michigan has unique concerns about natural disasters. Do you live in a flood-prone area? Are you susceptible to damages associated with fierce snowstorms? It’s crucial to discuss the specific challenges posed by the elements in your area with your insurance provider. This way, you choose a policy that caters to these needs.

Close Examination of the Policy

Go through the policy meticulously with a seasoned insurance agent. This approach allows you to address any concerns at the earliest and ensures all the significant details are finalised, leaving no room for confusion later on.

For any further queries about a potential home insurance policy, feel free to contact the dedicated team at Great Lakes State Agency. Our team of professionals is always on hand and ready to assist Lansing, MI homeowners with any concerns they may have.

How an Accident Can Affect Your Auto Insurance

Understanding Auto Insurance Rates After An Accident

Have you been involved in an auto accident in or near Lansing, MI? Then you’re probably worried about whether this incident will inflate your auto insurance rates. The short response would be – it might. However, consider consulting with our knowledgeable staff at the Great Lakes State Agency for a comprehensive answer. They can guide you through how this experience might influence your existing policy.

How Does Fault Influence Insurance Premiums?

Your part in the accident significantly affects a potential premium increase. If you were at fault, this could drive up your insurance rates as the insurance company perceives you as a higher-risk candidate. Hence, they attempt to compensate for potential costs via increased premiums. However, if you were not at fault, this might lessen the likelihood of a premium increase unless you file a repair claim. An accident typically stays on your record for three to five years, impacting your insurance premiums.

What Is The Role Of Accident Forgiveness?

Certain American insurance providers feature accident forgiveness clauses in their policies. This guarantees your rates won’t increase if you are a safe driver involved in a one-off accident. It would be prudent to check if your policy includes such a provision and under what terms.

Even high-risk drivers can find alternative policies and solutions if they’ve had accidents, regardless of being at fault. Great Lakes State Agency, serving Lansing, MI, is ready to offer all drivers comprehensive insurance solutions to ensure round-the-clock coverage when driving. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

The Best-Kept Secrets About Commercial insurance

Great Lakes State Agency understands that Lansing, MI commercial insurance policies can seem very confusing on their surface. However, they’re nowhere near as complex as you might think. In fact, there are many secrets that business owners may not realize can impact the quality of their policies.

Policies are Adaptable 

Don’t think that your policy is a concrete and unchangeable thing. In fact, you can add many riders to it and adjust it in any way necessary to improve your coverage. This step ensures that you get the full protection you need. Just talk with your agent about what riders make sense.

AAA Ratings are Critical 

Insurance companies can earn a variety of different ratings, and you need to find one that has a AAA designation. That’s because this rating indicates a business with a high level of professionalism and trustworthiness. They’re the kind of firms you can call to handle a myriad of issues.

Umbrella Policies Can Help You 

Liability protection is essential for all businesses, and getting caught without a strong policy can severely affect your facility safety. Umbrella policies increase your liability protection to ensure that, if you get sued, you won’t have to pay for a majority (if not any) of the damages incurred.

Physical Loss Warranties are Useful 

A physical loss warranty can help protect you if there is physical damage to your facility that makes it impossible to use it. For instance, if severe damage to your equipment makes operations impossible or impractical, a physical loss warranty can keep you running smoothly.

Take Your Business’ Needs Seriously

Please don’t hesitate to call us at Great Lakes State Agency to learn more about Lansing, MI commercial policies that can help you. Our team fully understands the complexities of Michigan’s strange insurance laws and will help you insure yourself properly and safely.

Which Type of Home Insurance Do You Need?

Great Lakes State Agency offers all eight forms of home insurance to protect Lansing, MI homes. Which home policy type each individual chooses depends on their type of domicile and whether they rent or own it.

Eight Forms of Home Insurance

The breadth of home insurance provides coverage for every type of home. It also offers an option for those who rent their home.

  • HO-1 and HO-2 offer named peril coverage and fewer options.
  • HO-3 coverage offers all-perils coverage and liability coverage.
  • HO-4 policies cover renters of houses, apartments, condos, mobile homes, yurts, etc.
  • HO-5 coverage provides superior coverage for single-family homes, including all-perils coverage, liability, and other types of coverage, such as loss of use.
  • HO-6 policies cover condos only with all-perils coverage.
  • HO-7 policies provide all-perils insurance specifically designed for mobile homes.

HO-8 policies provide named peril coverage equal to HO-1 policies but only available to historic homes and architecturally significant homes.

Because the policies differ so much, it’s best to choose your level of coverage after consulting with your insurance agent.

Single-family Home Choices

Owners of single-family homes have the widest selection of coverage options. A home can choose coverage for 10, 15, or all perils. They can also opt to add additional coverage like loss of use, additional living expenses, and personal property coverage. Consulting with your insurance agent offers the most effective way to choose the appropriate coverage.

Contact Us Today

Contact Great Lakes State Agency serving the great city of Lansing, MI for a home policy consultation. Let us help you choose the coverage that best protects your financial investment in your home and personal property.

I just paid off my car. Should I drop full coverage auto insurance?

Auto insurance is a requirement in every state. All drivers are required to carry auto liability insurance coverage. However, there are situations where drivers are required to carry more than auto liability insurance. Our team at Great Lakes State Agency is committed to helping Lansing, MI drivers understand auto insurance and get the coverage they need. 

What is full coverage auto insurance?

Full coverage auto insurance includes both collision and comprehensive insurance in addition to the state minimum required auto liability coverage. Auto liability covers damage and injuries to others when you’re found at fault for an accident. However, auto liability insurance will not cover your injuries or any damage to your car. Both collision and comprehensive auto insurance cover damage sustained by your car, your injuries, non-moving accidents or damages, and theft and vandalism. All of these components comprise full auto insurance coverage. If you have a car loan, it’s likely that your lender requires you to carry full coverage auto insurance. Even if you decide not to carry full coverage auto insurance, auto liability insurance is still required in the state of Michigan. 

I just paid off my car. Should I drop full coverage auto insurance?

It depends. If you paid off your late-model car, it is probably wise to continue to invest in full coverage insurance. It’s likely that any damage your car might sustain in a wreck wouldn’t exceed the value of the car. This means that your insurance would likely pay for the repair or replacement of your car. Conversely, if your car is substantially older or old, the value has diminished substantially. As a result, your insurance premiums should guide whether you continue to invest in full coverage insurance. If your premiums exceed the value of your car, it’s likely your car will be totaled, deemed a total loss if you were in a significant accident. This means that your insurance company would be unwilling to pay for the repair or replacement of your car. Investing in full coverage insurance in this scenario wouldn’t be wise.

If you have questions about full coverage auto insurance, call us at Great Lakes State Agency in Lansing, MI. We’d be happy to help you explore your options. 

Retail Risk Management: The Role of Commercial Insurance for Store Owners

Retail business owners in the Lansing, MI area face various challenges as they strive to provide products and services to their customers while keeping their operations running smoothly. These challenges include competition, changing consumer trends, economic uncertainties, and unforeseen events that disrupt daily activities. Commercial insurance is vital in providing store owners with restoration assurance to manage these risks and ensure business continuity.

Key Components of Commercial Insurance for Store Owners

  • Property Coverage: Retail businesses rely heavily on their physical space, inventory, and equipment. Commercial insurance includes property coverage to protect against losses due to fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. This ensures that a retail store can recover from physical damage quickly.
  • Liability Protection: Store owners interact with customers, employees, suppliers, and other third parties regularly. Liability insurance covers potential claims related to accidents, property damage, or injuries on the store’s premises. This protects retail business owners from costly legal actions and settlements.
  • Business Interruption Coverage: Fires or other events that temporarily force a store to close have a significant financial impact. Business interruption coverage compensates store owners for lost income and additional expenses during downtime, allowing the business to remain financially stable.
  • Product Liability Coverage: Retail stores are responsible for the products they sell. Product liability insurance protects against legal claims from defective products, design flaws, or inadequate warnings. It safeguards store owners from the financial burden of legal issues. 

Customized Policies for Store Owners

Commercial insurance policies can be tailored to retail businesses’ risks. Store owners can effectively select the appropriate coverage levels and endorsements to address their vulnerabilities.

Great Lakes State Agency Can Help You

At Great Lakes State Agency, we can help answer questions concerning commercial insurance. We serve the Lansing, MI area. Contact us today. 

Does home insurance cover dog bites?

Dogs are man’s best friends, but not necessarily the best friend of every person they meet! A home insurance policy is designed to offer homeowners legal and financial protection in the event of a number of incidents, including injuries to another that happen on your property. But what if it’s your property (which pets are according to Lansing, MI and greater Michigan law) causing the damage? Our team at Great Lakes State Agency is here to answer this commonly asked question about home insurance!

Does Home Insurance Cover Dog Bites?

Home insurance policies are generally designed to offer financial and legal protection in the event someone is injured by your dog. A home insurance policy will generally step in to provide medical reimbursements and offer legal aid should that person try and sue you for damages due to their injuries or any injuries sustained by their pet.

However, there are some cases in which a home insurance policy won’t cover dog bite injuries. Let’s take a look at those exceptions:

  • Dog bites the owner or household members. Unfortunately, if your own dog bites you or a household member, your home insurance policy will not take up the claim. You can pursue medical reimbursements through your own health care insurance. 
  • Dog bite from an excluded breed. Many insurance companies are adding certain breeds and crossbreeds to a list of dogs they will not insure because of their heightened risk of causing serious injury. Common examples include pit bulls, bully breed mixes, and rottweilers. 
  • Dog bite from a known aggressive dog. Your home insurance company may pay out for the first bite by your dog, but take care as once a history is known, future situations are unlikely to be covered.

 Learn More With Great Lakes State Agency

For more information about Lansing, MI home insurance policies and what they cover, give our team a call. 

Servicing States

  • Michigan


Partner Carriers

  • AAA
  • Accident Fund
  • American Strategic
  • Auto Owners
  • Bristol West
  • Chubb
  • Citizens Insurance
  • Foremost
  • Hagerty
  • Hanover
  • Hartford
  • Hastings Mutual
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Markel
  • Merchants
  • Nationwide Insurance
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Secura
  • State Auto
  • Travelers
  • Wolverine Mutual