Buying auto insurance is a necessity when you live in Lansing, MI. As long as you have a vehicle, it would be best if you had a policy. While you will need to get at least the bare minimum that the state of Michigan requires, there are many things to explore. At Great Lakes State Agency, we have a few tips to help you along the way.
Consider All Coverage Options
In the state of Michigan, you’re required to have liability coverage in the areas of bodily injury and property damage. However, that’s not the only form of coverage you can have on your policy.
You can expand your coverage to include:
- Collision
- Comprehensive
- Uninsured/under-insured motorist
- Roadside assistance
- Rental car
This way, if there’s any damage to your vehicle, whether driving or not, you can file a claim and know that you have the coverage in place.
Explore Increasing Your Coverage Level
The coverage level isn’t set in stone. While you have to meet the bare minimums the state sets, you can increase your coverage, too. This allows you to choose a level that meets your needs.
By increasing the coverage level, you’re covered in the event of a more serious accident. It will also reduce your costs if the accident exceeds certain limits.
Examine Deductibles
You pay the deductible out of your pocket when you file a claim. The deductible amount can vary based on the type of claim you’re making.
You can have a low deductible with a slightly higher premium cost or vice versa. That’s why you have to consider the likelihood of filing a claim against what you can afford.
Get Help from a Knowledgeable Insurance Agent
Finding an auto insurance policy right for you in Lansing, MI, is a breeze when you work with an experienced insurance agent. At Great Lakes State Agency, we’re here to help. Give us a call today to start getting some guidance.